English-Japanese Dictionary of Medical Science

Kenkyusha Co., Ltd.

In addition to medical terms, contains general medical-related terms, abbreviations, and colloquialisms, totaling 132,000. Complete with Japanese-English searchability.

With 132,000 terms, this is the most up-to-date English-Japanese dictionary of medical science, with the largest collection of medically-related terms. The dictionary's wide-ranging collection of entries includes not only technical terms from different fields, but also general medical terms, abbreviations, and slang. Each entry has a highly reliable translation, and also includes a concise yet accurate explanation. Because the dictionary includes a Japanese-English cross-reference table, it can also be used as a Japanese-English medical dictionary. The dictionary contains the latest terms, reflecting the progress of medicine, including entries for multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Norovirus, highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cells, prepandemic vaccines, etc.
Chief editor: Ishida Nakao

Contents information

Original books 医学英和辞典 第2版
Publisher Kenkyusha Co., Ltd.
Publication date July 18, 2008
Number of volumes One volume
Book price ¥13,200 (Pre-tax price ¥12,000+tax10%)
Release date July 4, 2011
Number of entries 132,000 entries
Number of characters 7,800,000 characters
About search
Frequency of update
Available services
(as of April 2014)