Collection ≪Que sais-je?≫ Best Selections

Hakusuisha Publishing Co., Ltd.

Our editorial department’s careful selection of 354 books from the Que sais-je? library. A treasure trove of diverse knowledge, from classical culture to cutting-edge themes.

<Que sais-je?> means “What do I know?” in French. This is the phrase one asks oneself when one wonders if one does not have sufficient knowledge about something. The phrase became well known as Renaissance philosopher Michel de Montaigne’s personal motto and means for gaining knowledge. New knowledge truly begins from knowing what one does not know.
The Collection Que sais-je? is an effort to connect Montaigne’s philosophy and the spirit of the epochal 18th-century Encyclopedia with the inquiry into truth.
Selections from Que sais-je? consisting of 354 volumes selected from the Japanese edition of the Que sais-je? Collection, originally published by Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), is now available on JapanKnowledge.
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Contents information

Original books 文庫クセジュ
Publisher Hakusuisha Publishing Co., Ltd.
Publication date March 1952 - February 2009
Number of volumes 354 volumes
Book price ¥377,727 (Pre-tax price ¥343,388+tax10%)
Release date 1st release (50 volumes) : March 22, 2012
2nd release (52 volumes) : October 29, 2012
3rd release (50 volumes) : March 25, 2013
4th release (50 volumes) : November 6, 2013
5th release (50 volumes) : July 22, 2014
6th release (50 volumes) : April 24, 2015
7th release (52 volumes) : October 19, 2015
Number of entries 354 volumes ; 70,000 pages
Number of characters 39,000,000 characters
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(as of October 2015)