Pocket Progressive German-Japanese/Japanese-German Dictionary


Rich in new words, and terms relating to economics and current affairs. An ideal volume for business and travel, containing 68,000 German-Japanese terms, and 20,000 Japanese-German terms.

The Pocket Progressive German-Japanese/Japanese-German Dictionary is a must-have for business or travel use, as it includes new words used in newspapers and magazines, as well as extensive numbers of current terms and terms used in fields such as economics and information science. It is one of the most voluminous dictionaries in the Pocket Progressive series, with 68,000 entries in the German-Japanese section and 20,000 in the Japanese-German section. It is a great help in reading and writing in German, not to mention in conversation.
In this beginner-friendly dictionary, translations are selected with an emphasis on plainness and simplicity. In addition to the helpful related-words columns, words are presented together with katakana pronunciations and old spellings. In the Japanese-German part, the dictionary presents collocations needed for writing letters and compositions, and contains many examples and idioms.
As in the printed edition, the JapanKnowledge edition of this dictionary uses red print for important headings (mainly words used in daily life) to enhance their visibility. Parts of speech, lexical strata and categories of technical terms are included unabridged. In addition, to facilitate searches, the dictionary presents idioms without the omission of the headword shown by a swung dash.
Editor: Nakayama Jun

Contents information

Original books ポケットプログレッシブ独和・和独辞典
Publisher SHOGAKUKAN Inc.
Publication date January 1, 2001
Number of volumes One volume
Book price ¥3,300 (Pre-tax price ¥3,000+tax10%)
Release date March 19, 2010
Number of entries German-Japanese: 68,000 entries
Japanese-German: 20,000 entries
Number of characters German-Japanese: 2,204,000 characters
Japanese-German: 692,000 characters
About search
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Available services
(as of April 2014)