Iwanami Junior Start Books

Iwanami Shoten, Publishers

An introductory study series for nurturing the ability to think for oneself, necessary for the social life of the future.

Junior Start Books were first published in March 2021 as an introductory study series for junior high school students. A catalog of books being published every other month, this series helps students to develop a free and abundant thought processes as well as presenting a perspective for nurturing the ability to think for oneself that is necessary for living in the society of the future. Furthermore, this series opens the door to deeper learning and exploration for junior high school students who feel that they “want to know more about the new world” and also provides warm companionship to students who have a wide range of anxieties, such as “I have trouble getting along with people,” or “I feel unsure about what path to follow after graduation.” In addition, as the books are written by authoritative authors, they can be utilized as reference books during classes or inquiry-based learning without any qualms regarding content. In fact, junior high and high school students, school librarians, and teachers have told us that “these are the kind of books we’ve been waiting for!” The books are extremely well designed, using two-color printing for the main text, a large number of photos and illustrations, and easy-to-understand explanations for important topics. We hope very much that you will make good use of this series in day-to-day study to expand the potential of each and every student.

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Contents information

Original books 岩波ジュニアスタートブックス
Publisher Iwanami Shoten, Publishers
Publication date March 26, 2021 - April 7, 2023
Number of volumes 20 volumes
Book price ¥31,900 (Pre-tax price ¥29,000+tax10%)
Release date April 1, 2022
Number of entries 20 volumes ; 2,518 pages
Number of characters
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Frequency of update
Available services
  • JKS
(as of April 2024)