Meiji Bungaku Zenshu (The Complete Works of Meiji Literature)

Chikumashobo Ltd.

Japan’s first historical complete works of literature, an exhaustive and wide-ranging compendium of the literary heritage of the Meiji era. Comprises all 99 volumes + general index.

The Complete Works of Meiji Literature (a total of 99 volumes + general index) is an epoch-making first-and-last of its kind, an exhaustive and wide-ranging compendium of the literary heritage of the Meiji era. Taking a wide field of vision of literature, surpassing the framework of novels and poetry, this Complete Works has been edited to make it possible to trace the flow of thought and literature of the Meiji era both historically and by genre. From the light literature and Enlightenment thought of the flowering of the Meiji era to the political novels and translated literature read enthusiastically by the Meiji youth, this series contains the works of the people’s rights movement, the nationalist movement, and socialist literature with a focus on literature, thought, religion, historical works, and works on speech and public opinion.
Furthermore, while encompassing the characteristically Meiji era concepts of the person, family novels, travelogues, youth literature, documentary literature, war literature, and memoirs of Meiji literature, the series is also accompanied by a general index in a separate volume.
Since its first publication in 1965, this series has received high praise as a truly “Complete Works of Meiji Literature” that reproduces the spirit of the age of the Meiji era upon which modern Japan was built.

The JapanKnowledge edition displays text data on the same screen alongside images of the original pages of the book edition. Ruby type (small print above kanji to show the pronunciation) affixed to the main text has also been faithfully reproduced, and while it is naturally possible to search for the title and author of works contained in the series, a full-text search, including for ruby type, is also enabled.

* Some works are not included in the JapanKnowledge edition. For details, please see the note on copyright (Jpn).

Contents information

Original books 明治文学全集
Publisher Chikumashobo Ltd.
Publication date February 10, 1965 - February 20, 1989
Number of volumes 99 volumes + One separate volume
Book price ¥833,250 (Pre-tax price ¥757,500+tax10%)
Release date September 1, 2023
Number of entries 51,213 entries ; 45,533 pages
Number of characters 71,746,000 characters
About search Bookshelves feature available
Frequency of update
Available services
(as of September 2023)