Earth Science Lexicon

Obunsha Co., Ltd.

Contains 640 essential entries for high school earth science, comprehensively breaking down textbook and entrance exam questions. Entries ranked into three tiers of importance.

A compilation of the absolutely essential 640 terms from the earth science vocabulary studied in high school gleaned through an analysis of textbooks and university entrance examinations. Important terms are easy to see, as each entry is assigned one of three ranks to indicate its level of importance. Knowledge of earth science can be expanded by reading the columns associated with the terms.
Author: Ishii Ryoji

Contents information

Original books キーワード総整理 地学用語集[新装版]
Publisher Obunsha Co., Ltd.
Publication date May 6, 2014
Number of volumes One volume
Book price ¥990 (Pre-tax price ¥900+tax10%)
Release date JK:April 1, 2019
JKS:June 10, 2021
Number of entries 640 entries
Number of characters 114,400 characters
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(as of June 2021)