Maps of the World: Blank Outline Maps

Heibonsha Cartographic Publishing Co., Ltd.

Maps of the world, global regions, and each country for download in high resolution, available for trial use. Alternative divisions for blank outline maps are also available.

This is a map image collection from Heibonsha Cartographic, who specialize in the editing and production of educational maps, including those found in various textbooks, such as Tokyo Shoseki’s social studies textbooks, and Heibonsha’s own Large Atlas of the World.

Global, regional, and national maps are available in six modes – blank outline; blank outline (no place names); natural features; administrative districts; transportation, and administration/gradation. Features such as national borders are in conformance with social studies textbooks, making these the ideal maps for learning.

Downloadable JPEG files and PDF files that can be copied and printed have been prepared for the JapanKnowledge School version. We hope you will make use of these for maps to be used in combination with learning activities.

* Maps for certain countries may be unavailable.

Contents information

Original books
Publisher Heibonsha Cartographic Publishing Co., Ltd.
Publication date
Number of volumes
Book price
Release date April 1, 2021
Number of entries 269 entries, 1,552 types
Number of characters
About search
Frequency of update
Available services
  • JKS
(as of August 2022)