JapanKnowledge Personal Support

8 Help and Inquiry

*The content displayed on the screen may be subject to change.

Visit the "Guide" page

If you find yourself confused by the functions of the site and the buttons on the Basic Search and Advanced Search pages, or within the text itself, click the "Guide" button located in the top right corner of the page.

Guide Button

An overlay display with explanations will appear when you click the "Guide" button located in the top right corner of the page. You can navigate to the corresponding support pages by clicking on the orange text.

overlay display with explanations

Switch sample image: Basic Search Advanced Search Text

Visit the "Support" Page

If you need guidance on using JapanKnowledge, click the "Support" link button on the top of the page. The support page provides detailed instructions on how to use JapanKnowledge, along with frequently asked questions organized by category.

'Support' link button


The support page also includes an inquiry corner, where you can get help using JapanKnowledge. If you encounter any issues, please contact us using the "Online Inquiry" form.

Inquiry Link


Privacy Policy - Purpose of collection and use of personal information

The registered name, address, contact information and payment information is used for the purposes of content distribution, payment procedure and confirmation. The personal information will not be used for other purposes than the required administration and service of JapanKnowledge.