Digital Dictionary of Chemistry (2nd Edition)

Morikita Publishing Co., Ltd.

Specialist dictionary emphasizing practical science, covering a wide range of interdisciplinary fields in addition to basic and applied chemistry. Contains 12,000 entries.

This digital dictionary, based on the Dictionary of Chemistry (Second Edition) which was published in 2009, covers a range of fields, from substances to global-scale problems, with a focus on usefulness. In addition to basic and applied chemistry, it includes the latest knowledge from a wide range of interdisciplinary areas (such as nuclear science, radiation, energy, life sciences, the environment and pollution).
For names of compounds, the dictionary clearly states standard systematic names and industrial usages, and the CAS registry number is included in order to enable online searches of substances and derivatives. With regard to chemical nomenclature, academic terminology, units, and symbols, in principle the dictionary adopts the Japanese Scientific Terms compiled by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the International System of Units (SI) and the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS). In order to provide correct understanding, there are more than 12,000 entries, concentrating on practical science.
The text screen of each entry is accompanied by documents in the appendix of the book version in PDF format (on the fundamental physical constants, basic nuclide table, normal electrode potential, ionic radius table, etc.) as well as links to indexes of chemical formulas and people, providing access to needed information with a single click. Further, to increase usability, entries can be searched for chemical formula (for example, by entering H2O as “H2O,” you can search for the entry for “water”).
This content is an excellent resource for people involved in the areas surrounding chemistry and for learners.
Representative of editorial committee: Yoshimura Juji
Editorial committee: Umemoto Kisaburo, Ouchi Akira, Okui Norimasa, Kaizu Youkoh, Kaji Masanori, Kobayashi Keiji, Sato Shin, Nishikawa Masaru, Nomura Yujiro, Hashimoto Hironobu, Hirose Shigehisa, Maruyama Toshio, Yashima Tatsuaki, Yoshimura Juji, Wakihara Masataka

Contents information

Original books 化学辞典 第2版
Publisher Morikita Publishing Co., Ltd.
Publication date December 16, 2009
Number of volumes One volume
Book price ¥26,400 (Pre-tax price ¥24,000+tax10%)
Release date November 24, 2010
Number of entries 12,000 entries
Number of characters 3,214,000 characters
About search
Frequency of update
Available services
(as of April 2014)