Useful Information for Life in Japan in the Heisei Era


Collects 620 entries on ancient Japanese culture, traditions, manners, and common knowledge. Contains essential daily life information, including manners for family ceremonies.

Useful Information for Life in Japan in the Heisei Era is a collection of knowledge on Japan that has been passed down within everyday living. It includes Japanese culture and traditions passed down since ancient times as well as manners and common knowledge, covering a wide scope of areas including traditional events, life customs, words and phrases of the four seasons, and everyday wisdom. This knowledge is useful not only for Japanese people themselves, living in Japan, but is also a great collection of unique cultural information which will be fascinating for people overseas studying Japanese language or culture. It is a virtual treasure trove.
The contents are based on the “Manners and Common Sense Encyclopedia,” included as a supplement in a separate volume to the 2007 Encyclopedia of Contemporary Words published by JIYUKOKUMINSHA, and the “Calendar of Conventions for Each Month: Enjoying the Seasons with All Five Senses,” which was included as a supplement in a separate volume to the 2008 edition. The “Manners and Common Sense Encyclopedia” provides easy-to-understand explanations of indispensable common knowledge for a member of society, including everyday manners such as greetings, grooming and appearance, and use of language, as well as proper deportment for special events. The “Calendar of Conventions for Each Month” lists seasonal celebrations, flavors, and clothing appropriate for each month according to the current solar calendar.

Contents information

Original books マナーと常識事典(『現代用語の基礎知識』2007年版別冊付録)
Publication date Manner and Common Sense Encyclopedia: November 2, 2006
Calendar of Conventions for Each Month: December 3, 2007
Number of volumes Two volumes
Book price
Release date September 1, 2009
Number of entries 620 entries
Number of characters 226,000 characters
About search Bookshelves feature available
Frequency of update
Available services
(as of April 2014)