Iwanami Shinsho Junior Pocket Paperbacks: A Selection of 100 Titles

Iwanami Shoten, Publishers

Introductory study paperbacks written in an easy-to-understand style for middle and high school students, for a wide knowledge of global events.

Iwanami Shinsho Junior Pocket Paperbacks, first published in 1979, are renowned as introductory study books for teenagers.
For many years, Iwanami Shinsho Junior Pocket Paperbacks have been read by large numbers of junior high and high school students, teachers and librarians as books that further deepen school study, allow students and school staff to know more about events throughout the world, and also as books that assist school-related people in thinking about the problems of junior high and high school students.
The pocket paperbacks are series of compact books on nonfiction, critical or explanatory topics that we can pick up at any time, and among these, the junior pocket paperbacks are especially written with junior high and high school students in mind.
A great number of books on criticism and commentary in this junior series have been published by a wide range of authors on themes that are useful for conducting inquiry-based learning and for enhancing logical thinking abilities. We definitely hope that you will make use of the junior series books in everyday learning situations.

The JapanKnowledge School features 100 Iwanami Shinsho Junior Pocket Paperbacks carefully selected for junior high and high school students.

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Contents information

Original books 岩波ジュニア新書
Publisher Iwanami Shoten, Publishers
Publication date October 22, 1979 - March 19, 2021
Number of volumes 100 volumes
Book price ¥94,182 (Pre-tax price ¥85,620+tax10%)
Release date April 1, 2021
Number of entries 100 volumes ; 21,796 pages
Number of characters
About search Bookshelves features available
Frequency of update
Available services
  • JKS
(as of April 2022)