Kadokawa Sophia Bunko Paperbacks Beginner’s Classics: A Selection of 90 Classics


A beginner's book series of classic works for everyone to pick up and enjoy.

The first book you pick up for the classic works you really ought to read. As such a series of beginner’s books, this series, which forms one part of the Kadokawa Sophia Bunko Paperbacks, has been published since 2001.
The books come complete with “modern Japanese translations” with kana phonetic transcriptions, the “original text,” detailed “commentaries” to aid enjoyment of the works, as well as illustrations and columns to help readers to feel more familiar with the classics. As a series that makes it possible and enjoyable for everyone to read classics, compiled and supervised by the most authoritative researchers, these books have been very well received by a wide range of readers from junior high and senior high school students to adults.

The JapanKnowledge School features 90 Kadokawa Sophia Bunko Paperbacks Beginner’s Classics carefully selected for junior high and high school students.

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Contents information

Original books 角川ソフィア文庫 ビギナーズ・クラシックス
Publication date July 25, 2001 - July 21, 2023
Number of volumes 90 volumes
Book price ¥77,381 (Pre-tax price ¥70,347+tax10%)
Release date April 3, 2023
Number of entries 90 volumes ; 25,224 pages
Number of characters
About search Bookshelves feature available
Frequency of update
Available services
  • JKS
(as of April 2024)