Kadokawa Sophia Bunko Paperbacks: A Selection of 100 Classics


A comprehensive educational book series that opens new doors of knowledge with its wide-ranging coverage of history, thought, poetry, etc.

The Kadokawa Sophia Bunko, as a comprehensive educational bunko (book series) that inherits the history of KADOKAWA (publishing company) and Kadokawa Bunko, was first published in 1996. A large number of fine books that open the doors of knowledge, such as works that describe Japan’s culture and history, and classics of the Orient and Occident that resonate deeply within our hearts, have been published in an easy-to-read format with a rich binding. The series consists of 14 categories, including classics, poetry, history, and folklore. While naturally containing immortal masterpieces, the series also includes a wide range of works to stimulate intellectual curiosity, such as “Haiku Saijiki (Compendium of Seasonal words for Haiku Poets),” “Japanology Collection,” “Thousand Books for A Thousand Nights (Senya Sensatu ) edited by Seigow Matsuoka,” and others.

The JapanKnowledge School features 100 Kadokawa Sophia Bunko Paperbacks carefully selected for junior high and high school students.

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Contents information

Original books 角川ソフィア文庫
Publication date July 25, 2000 - August 24, 2023
Number of volumes 100 volumes
Book price ¥98,687 (Pre-tax price ¥89,716+tax10%)
Release date April 3, 2023
Number of entries 100 volumes ; 33,848 pages
Number of characters
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Available services
  • JKS
(as of April 2024)