Shinshaku Kambun Taikei (New Commentaries on Chinese Classics)


Roughly 58,000 pages of the important Chinese classics, covering thought, history and poetry. The text can be searched for personal names, place names, phrases, etc.

Shinshaku Kambun Taikei (An Anthology of New Commentaries on Chinese Classics, 120 volumes* plus one separate volume) was completed 58 years after the publication of the first volume in May 1960. The anthology has been compiled to perfection with complete translations of a wide range of representative Chinese classics, which form the foundation of Japanese culture, such as the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism, “Historical Records,” “Bai Shi Wen Ji,” as well as through the addition of a volume on the “Chinese Poetry of Japan” and the “Dictionary of Commentaries on Chinese Books.” Painstakingly proofed original text and specially written commentaries are shown in the upper and lower halves of the screen, along with comprehensive explanations, glosses, and annotations, as well as a complete index. Authorities in each field have incorporated their latest research into the commentaries.

In addition to the roughly 58,000 pages of the printed version of the anthology in PDF format, the JapanKnowledge edition also contains the text data of the index words, scrupulously proofed for the JapanKnowledge edition. Not only searches by book title, it also enables access to the content you wish to see from the index words for personal names, place names, phrases, etc.

* Volume 36 “Sonshi and Goshi” (“Sunzi and Wuzi”) are not included in the JapanKnowledge edition.

Contents information

Original books 新釈漢文大系
Publication date May 25, 1960 - May 12, 2018
Number of volumes 120 volumes (119 volumes are available on JapanKnowledge) + One separate volume
Book price ¥1,230,812 (Pre-tax price ¥1,118,920+tax10%)
Release date December 1, 2022
Number of entries 930 volumes ; 57,997 pages
Number of characters 3,716,976 characters
About search Bookshelves feature available
Frequency of update
Available services
(as of December 2022)