Obunsha Dictionary of Chemistry

Obunsha Co., Ltd.

Contains 7,000 entries useful for studying high school chemistry, including terms in peripheral fields, chemical formulae, and reaction formulas.

Compiled through meticulous combing of textbooks and university entrance examinations, this dictionary comprises around 7,000 entries, sufficient for everyday study or exam preparation. Easy-to-understand explanations using precise expressions will resolve all your question marks about high school chemistry. You can also learn about chemistry-related terms from biochemistry, medicine, physics, dietetics and other fields. This is a small but complete dictionary that can be used for everyday study as well as to boost your general knowledge.

Contents information

Original books 旺文社 化学事典
Publisher Obunsha Co., Ltd.
Publication date March 2, 2010
Number of volumes One volume
Book price ¥1,760 (Pre-tax price ¥1,600+tax10%)
Release date JK:April 1, 2019
JKS:June 10, 2021
Number of entries 7,000 entries
Number of characters 899,500 characters
About search
Frequency of update
Available services
(as of August 2021)