Obunsha Dictionary of Biology, 5th Revised Edition

Obunsha Co., Ltd.

Contains 7,200 entries useful for high school biology and daily learning, focusing on textbook and entrance exam questions. Includes 1,500 names of flora and fauna.

Based mainly on textbooks and university entrance examinations, this dictionary contains roughly 7,200 judiciously selected entries, including around 1,500 names of flora and fauna that appear in high school biology from everyday study to university entrance exams. Easy-to-understand and precise explanations are given with a large number of specific examples. This small but complete dictionary is convenient and highly comprehensible for use by everyone from high school students to adults.

Contents information

Original books 旺文社 生物事典 [五訂版]
Publisher Obunsha Co., Ltd.
Publication date December 7, 2011
Number of volumes One volume
Book price ¥1,760 (Pre-tax price ¥1,600+tax10%)
Release date JK:April 1, 2019
JKS:June 10, 2021
Number of entries 7,300 entries
Number of characters 1,040,000 characters
About search
Frequency of update
Available services
(as of August 2021)