Word with a
symbol are part of the Oxford 3000 list of important words (see
Oxford 3000™ and 5000™
). The
tells you the CEFR level of the word. Small keys indicate which parts of the entry are most important.
Words from the Oxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon (OPAL) written and spoken word lists are marked with and
The Oxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon™
Words with a symbol are part of the Oxford 5000 list of important words (see
Oxford 3000™ and 5000™
Stress marks show stress on compounds.
① Irregular forms of verbs, with their pronunciations.Irregular plurals of nouns are also shown.
② Prepropositions, adverbs and structures that can be used with this word
③ Examples of use are shown in green.
④ Verb code (see
Abbreviations used in the dictionary
⑤ Label giving information about usage (see
Labels used in the dictionary
① Pronunciation, with American pronunciation where it is different
② Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives
③ Information on use of adjectives
① Word used in definition that is not in the Oxford 3000
② Common phrase in bold type in example
③ Information on different types of noun
④ Fixed form of noun