adjective | ADJ |
adverb | ADV |
auxiliary verb | AUX |
color word | COLOR |
combining form | COMB |
conjunction | CONJ |
convention | CONVENTION |
determiner | DET |
exclamation | EXCLAM |
fraction | FRACTION |
modal verb | MODAL |
count noun | N-COUNT |
collective count noun | N-COUNT-COLL |
family noun | N-FAMILY |
noun in names | N-IN-NAMES |
mass noun | N-MASS |
plural noun | N-PLURAL |
proper noun | N-PROPER |
collective proper noun | N-PROPER-COLL |
singular noun | N-SING |
collective singular noun | N-SING-COLL |
title noun | N-TITLE |
uncount noun | N-UNCOUNT |
collective uncount noun | N-UNCOUNT-COLL |
variable noun | N-VAR |
collective variable noun | N-VAR-COLL |
vocative noun | N-VOC |
negative | NEG |
number | NUM |
ordinal | ORD |
phrasal verb | PHRASAL VERB |
phrasal verb-link | PHRASAL VERB-LINK |
phrasal passive verb | PHRASAL VERB-PASSIVE |
phrasal reciprocal verb | PHRASAL VERB-RECIP |
phrase | PHRASE |
predeterminer | PREDET |
preposition | PREP |
pronoun | PRON |
emphatic pronoun | PRON-EMPH |
indefinite pronoun | PRON-INDEF |
negative indefinite pronoun | PRON-INDEF-NEG |
negative pronoun | PRON-NEG |
plural pronoun | PRON-PLURAL |
possessive pronoun | PRON-POSS |
reciprocal pronoun | PRON-RECIP |
reflexive pronoun | PRON-REFL |
emphatic reflexive pronoun | PRON-REFL-EMPH |
relative pronoun | PRON-REL |
singular pronoun | PRON-SING |
quantifier | QUANT |
negative quantifier | QUANT-NEG |
plural quantifier | QUANT-PLURAL |
question word | QUEST |
sound word | SOUND |
intransitive verb | V-I |
link verb | V-LINK |
passive verb | V-PASSIVE |
reciprocal verb | V-RECIP |
passive reciprocal verb | V-RECIP-PASSIVE |
transitive verb | V-T |
passive transitive verb | V-T PASSIVE |
intransitive or transitive verb | V-T/V-I |
adjective group | adj |
superlative form | adj-superl |
adverb group | adv |
word or phrase indicating an amount of something | amount |
broad negative | brd-neg |
clause | cl |
color word | color |
comparative form | compar |
continuous | cont |
definite noun group | def-n |
definite noun group with an uncount noun | def-n-uncount |
definite noun group with a noun in the plural | def-pl-n |
determiner | det |
past participle of a verb | -ed |
noun group, adjective, adverb, or prepositional phrase | group |
imperative | imper |
infinitive form of a verb | inf |
present participle of a verb | -ing |
interrogative | interrog |
clause beginning with like | like |
noun or noun group | n |
names of places or institutions | names |
negative word | neg |
proper noun | n-proper |
number | num |
uncount noun or noun group with an uncount noun | n-uncount |
ordinal | ord |
particle, part of a phrasal verb | P |
passive voice | passive |
plural | pl |
noun in the plural, plural noun group, co-ordinated noun group | pl-n |
plural number | pl-num |
possessive | poss |
prepositional phrase or preposition | prep |
pronoun | pron |
indefinite pronoun | pron-indef |
reflexive pronoun | pron-refl |
relative pronoun | pron-rel |
question word | quest |
singular | sing |
noun in the singular | sing-n |
supplementary information accompanying a noun | supp |
‘that’-clause | that |
the to-infinitive form of a verb | to-inf |
usually | usu |
verb or verb group | v |
continuous verb | v-cont |
link verb | v-link |
wh-word, clause beginning with a wh-word | wh |