Shogakukan Unabridged Dictionary of the Japanese Language
Homonyms Kun Characters Section
- In cases where the same headword representing a common Japanese word can be rendered in different kanji characters, these characters are listed in the Dōkun'iji (【同訓異字】; Homonyms Kun Characters) Section, with notes on the characters’ meaning and usage.
Kanji characters in this section are listed in the same order in which they appear in the entry's Kanji Orthography Section, followed by those characters not listed in the Section, given in stroke-count order.
- For each kanji, the standard on reading is indicated in parentheses ( ), followed by information on meaning and, as necessary, examples of compounds.
- At the end of the section, the traditional kun reading of the kanji character concerned is indicated by 《古》. The old kun readings are based on those given in the pre-modern dictionaries listed in item 2 of the Dictionary Section, including Ruiju myōgishō and Wagyokuhen (or Wagokuhen).