Annotations are provided chiefly for modern words which are pronounced differently from their heading orthographies. However, annotations are also provided, when necessary, for pre-modern words which can be pronounced as modern words.
ていねい【丁寧】 【発音】テネ(テイネイともテーネーとも;pronounced as “teinei” or as “tēnē”)
かなしい【悲】 【発音】カナシ(カナシイともカナシーとも; pronounced as “kanashii” or as “kanashī”)
くう【食】 【発音】ク(クウともクーとも; pronounced as “kuu” or as “kū”)
a) | A katakana letter in square brackets [ ] means that the corresponding mora is of high pitch, as indicated by the kanji character 高placed above the parentheses 〔 〕. For nouns, particles are also included in identifying the high-pitch mora. | ||||||||||||
b) | If a katakana letter in square brackets [ ] corresponds to the third or ensuing mora of a word, it means that the first mora is of low pitch, while all moras from the second through the katakana letter concerned are of high pitch. | ||||||||||||
c) | The symbol [ 0] means that the word’s first mora is of low pitch while those of all ensuing moras are of high pitch. | ||||||||||||
こころ【心】 | [コ]<2> | 低高低 〔ココロ〕 |
かげえ【影絵】 | 【発音】カエ [ケ゜] |
うまうま【旨旨】 | 【発音】ママ [ウx]<1> |
ゆのみぢゃわん【湯呑茶碗】 | 【発音】[ジャ] |
オルゴール | 【発音】[コ゜] |
あかとんぼ【赤蜻蛉】 | 【発音】[ト][ア] |
おおい【多】 | 【発音】オオイ[オ]<2> オーイ[オ] |
ななころび‐やおき【七転八起】 【発音】 [ナ]<2>=[ヤ] [コ]=[ヤ] |
いろは‐しじゅうはちもじ【以呂波四十八文字】 【発音】イロハ=シジューハチモジ[ロ]=[チ] |
さんじゅうさん‐かいき【三十三回忌】 【発音】サンジュー=サンカイキ[サ]=[カ] ([サ]<1>=[カ]とはしない) |
あまのはしだて‐まつり【天橋立祭】 【発音】アマノ=ハシダテマツリ[ア]=[マ] |
いちのたにふたばぐんき【一谷嫩軍記】 【発音】イチノタニ=フタバグンキ[ノ]=[グ] |
はらう【払】 | 【発音】ハローとも [ラ]([ロ]) |
ウォーター(英water)《ウオーター》 [ウォ]《[オ]》 |
a) | Accent indicated is indicted by means of the following symbols, with each of the circles representing one mora: |
high, level pitch
かぜ【風】 平安来 |
b) | Since single-mora words are deemed to have been pronounced with two moras, their historical accent pattern is indicated with two circles. In these cases, phonetic orthography is shown in the sub-section for(historical accent notation). |
こ【子】 コー 平安来
き【木】 キー 平安・鎌倉 室町来 け【毛】 ケー 平安・鎌倉か江戸 |
あかい【赤】 あかし 平安 鎌倉あかき 江戸あかき
あける【開】 あく 平安 鎌倉・江戸あくる
a) | A katakana character placed in parentheses ( ) indicates that the corresponding non-final mora alone is of high pitch. | |||||||||
When a katakana character placed in parentheses ( ) constitutes the final mora of a word, it exceptionally indicates that the mora is of falling pitch. | ||||||||||
The symbol ( 0 ) indicates that the final mora of a word alone is of high pitch, and all preceding moras of low pitch. When a particle follows such a word, the high pitch shifts to the particle. | ||||||||||
b) | A katakana letter placed in square brackets [ ] means that all the initial moras of a word through to the one concerned are of high pitch. | |||||||||
The symbol [ 0 ] indicates that all the moras of a word are of high pitch. | ||||||||||
とい【樋】 | トユ(ユ) | 低高低低 〔トユゥ〕 |
あゆ【鮎】 | アイ(イ) | 低高低低 〔アイィ〕 |
しち【質】 | ヒチ[ヒ] | 高低低 〔ヒチ〕 |
ろじ【露地】 | ロージ[ー]/(ー) | 低高低低 〔ロージ〕 |
ひ【碑】 | ヒー[0] | 高高高 〔ヒー〕 |
ひ【日】 | ヒー[ヒ] | 高低低 〔ヒー〕 |
ひ【火】 | ヒー(0) | 低高 低低高 〔ヒー ヒー〕 |
かげ【陰】 | (ゲ) | 低高低低 〔カゲェ〕 |
いろいろ【色色】 | (ロ)<1>/(0) | 低高低低 〔イロイロ〕 |
いよいよ【彌】 | [イ]<1> | 高低低低 〔イヨイヨ〕 |
ほお【頬】 | ホホ(ホ)<2> | 低高低低 〔ホホォ〕 |